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Job Application
2.95 USD
(5.6 BGN)
- Check your skills ranks for the specific job application
- Check your skill ranks on the market
- Compare your salary with the market level
- Compare your salary with the other applicants
- Find out how many other candidates applied for the job
- Find out what is your chance to get the job
- Create and update your profile
- Receive feedback for your job application
- See jobs recommended to you
- See the list of your job applications
0.49 USD
(0.93 BGN)
- Check your skills ranks for the specific job application
- Check your skill ranks on the market
- Compare your salary with the market level
- Compare your salary with the other applicants
- Create and update your profile
- Find out how many other candidates applied for the job
- Find out what is your chance to get the job
- Receive feedback for your job application
- See jobs recommended to you
- See the list of your job applications